22 Juni 2018
...... Shashamane Int'l & SDT.Promo .......
......... present .......
........."DO IT FOR THE LOVE: 4 INNA RAW STYLE"........
Yes Massive and Crew,
am 22.Juni gibt es die zweite "Do it for the love". An den Decks stehen diesmal 630 Soundsystem, Vibe Explosion und Shashamane Intl.
LIVE ON STAGE gibt es eine Session mit 4 Reggae- und Dancehallkünstlern: Teacha Dee, Don Tippa, King Mas und Yahshah.
LADIES FREIER EINTRITT bis 1 Uhr. Außerdem gibt es ein Rum Punch Special.
Yes yes Massive, Crew, Reggae Lovers. Cologne Ppl & all Humble souls.
on June 22nd we present you the second edition of "DO IT FOR THE LOVE": 4 INNA RAW STYLE. This time with Realigion (630Soundsystem ), Vibe Explosion & Shashamane Int'l
LIVE ON STAGE: "4 INNA RAW STYLE" King Mas & Don Tippa & #Yahshah & Teacha Dee !!! (simply Toe to Toe, coz these Artists have been working together for a while. 4microphones and FIRE pon stage .... come out and see ) Massive you can´t miss this...
........LADIES FREE TILL 1pm....
9 Euro Entry
Start : 23:00
Location: Jungle Club Grüner Weg 1B, 50825 Köln/Germany
catch some vibes: www.soundcloud.com/shashamane-intl
more infos soon come: it´s a good day, Blessings to all!!